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Free Fire Booyah Champ Faded Wheel: Rewards, Duration

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Free Fire Booyah Champ Faded Wheel: Rewards, duration, and more

The Free Fire Booyah Champ Faded Wheel was recently added to the battle royale title and it offers an exclusive emote alongside several other miscellaneous rewards. This Luck Royale is comparatively better than others since players are guaranteed to get all the possible items. So, those interested in the Booyah Champ Faded Wheel should spend some diamonds to try their luck.

This Faded Wheel will remain in operation for over one week, giving gamers sufficient time to decide whether they want the rewards or not. Since themed emotes don’t return often, fans must not miss out on this opportunity.

Free Fire Booyah Champ Faded Wheel guide

Free Fire Booyah Champ Faded Wheel guide

The Free Fire Booyah Champ Faded Wheel was added on November 17, 2024, and will be accessible in the game until November 25, 2024. The exclusive Who’s the Booyah Champ emote is the primary attraction alongside other rewards like the Scythe – Flameborn and Loot Box – Knockout.

The exact prize pool of the Free Fire Booyah Champ Faded Wheel has been listed below:

  1. Who’s the Booyah Champ emote
  2. 2x Magic Cube Fragments
  3. 2x Operano Weapon Loot Crates
  4. Backpack – Royal Flush
  5. 3x Supply Crates
  6. Scythe – Flameborn
  7. 3x Armor Crates
  8. 2x Old Fashioned Weapon Loot Crates
  9. Loot Box – Knockout
  10. 3x Pet Food
Like all the other Faded Wheel events, players must commence by removing two unwanted items from the prize pool. They may then start making spins to withdraw items from the prize pool.
As the rewards will get greyed out after each spin, users are guaranteed to get all of them within eight spins. However, it must be noted that the cost of the spins will increase with each subsequent one.

Here is the exact breakdown of the cost of spins:

Spin 1: 9 diamonds
Spin 2: 19 diamonds
Spin 3: 39 diamonds
Spin 4: 69 diamonds
Spin 5: 99 diamonds
Spin 6: 149 diamonds
Spin 7: 199 diamonds
Spin 8: 499 diamonds

As a result, players are guaranteed to get the Who’s the Booyah Champ emote within 1082 diamonds. However, if they are lucky, they may obtain it for as little as nine diamonds.

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