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LAMBORGHINI HURACAN Mod for Bus Simulator Indonesia

Neme Details
Game Bus Simulator Indonesia
Author Md.Sayeem
Credit Shdru
Price Free
File .zip
Size 58 MB

The download link is given below. Download and enjoy this new Realistic Passenger View For Bus Simulator Indonesia.

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As of now, official modifications for Bus Simulator Indonesia (BSI) that include vehicles like the Lamborghini Huracán are not common, as the game primarily focuses on buses and related vehicles. However, there are many modding communities where players create and share custom mods, which could potentially include sports cars or luxury vehicles. To find such mods, you can check forums or modding websites dedicated to Bus Simulator Indonesia, such as the game's official community or popular modding platforms. Always ensure you're downloading mods from reputable sources to avoid security risks.

BUSSID (New Bus+New Map+Mod System UI+Mini Map UI+Ramadan Event)

Bus Simulator Indonesia is a Android Game. After long time there new update 3.0 is coming in May. This is most popular game for android. This game have somereason to popular. First one is there High Quality grafic and run low devices like 1GB RAM & lower processor. Another most popular think is Multi-player. and new add bus Mod UI system. So that now you can use any bus as you can like and it’s more easy at the time. So there for this is a most popular game for android.

Lest see what’s Update……

  1. ️New Bus
  2. ️New Map
  3. New MOD System UI
  4. Mini Map UI
  5. Ramadan Event

After this new update you can use Vehicle as you like more easily. Even can’t exit the game. In game you add and remove Mod. At the time you use mod any folder in your storage. Not only bus library, now you can use any kind of Bus, Truck or Other Vehicle Mod.You can use only .bussidvehicle formate file to use any mod. BUSSID can’t support any other formate file like .zip or .rar. If you download any file which is .zip or .rar format. At First Extract the file. After Extract file you can see Main Mod file and this file set properly on Bus Simulator Indonesia game which is .bussidvehicle format.

LAMBORGHINI HURACAN Mod for BUSSID by Shdru and . Download LAMBORGHINI HURACAN for Bus Simulator Indonesia.

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